Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is Briskcoin (BKC)?

BKC is a digital currency that enables instant payments to anyone, anywhere in the world. BKC uses peer-to-peer technology to operate with no central authority: managing transactions and issuing money are carried out collectively by the network. BKC Core is the name of open source software which enables the use of this currency.

Where is my blockchain data directory?

Windows 7, 8.1, 10
Default Directory: %APPDATA%\briskcoin\
Full Configuration File Path: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\briskcoin\briskcoin.conf

Default Directory: $HOME/.briskcoin/
Full Configuration File Path: /home/username/.briskcoin/briskcoin.conf

Mac OS
Default Directory: $HOME/Library/Application Support/Briskcoin/
Full Configuration File Path: /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Briskcoin/Briskcoin.conf

How do I backup my wallet?
– Close your wallet.
– Open the folder “%APPDATA%\briskcoin”.
– Copy the file wallet.dat to a safe location.
– Open wallet.
– Click File -> Click Bakup Wallet -> Chose location to save wallet file.

How can I restore my wallet?
– Close your wallet.
– Make a backup of the folder “%APPDATA%\briskcoin”.
– Copy the file wallet.dat from your backup to the folder “%APPDATA%\briskcoin”.

How do you mine a block? (SHA256 PoW)

Open your wallet, and make sure you are connected to another wallet.
Close your wallet and create the file briskcoin.conf in the folder “%APPDATA%\briskcoin\”.
Paste the following text into briskcoin.conf and save the file.


Download the latest version of cpuminer from here and extract the zip file.
Create a .bat file named mine.bat and paste the following text into mine.bat.

Mining software :

or other mining softwares that support SHA256 algorithm.

Example of running cpuminer (compilation instruction is based on those github repositories)


1- Solo Minining:
minerd –algo=sha256d –url= –user=rpcuser –pass=rpcpassword –coinbase-addr=walletaddress

2- Mining Pool:
minerd –algo=sha256d –url=stratum+tcp:// –user=walletaddress


1- Solo Minining:
minerd.exe –algo=sha256d –url= –user=rpcuser –pass=rpcpassword –coinbase-addr=walletaddress

2- Mining Pool:
minerd.exe –algo=sha256d –url=stratum+tcp:// –user=walletaddress

Save the file inside the extracted cpuminer folder. Open your wallet and execute mine.bat to start mining your first coins.